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Contact Elizabeth

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    If you are located in Thornhill, Toronto, or nearby areas in the GTA, don’t wait any longer to begin your journey toward a healthier and happier life, with a leaner, stronger body, and healthier lifestyle habits. To set up an appointment with Elizabeth Zemelman, Registered Dietitian, please contact our office today at (416) 230-3383.


  • Contact Information


    • I find Elizabeth Zemelman to be a non-judgemental, good listener who strives to teach me how to eat a more wholesome, balanced diet consciously, intuitively, and without guilt. After having lost weight only to regain even more over the course of three restrictive fad diets, I found myself frequently binge-eating, followed by long periods of guilt and self-deprecation. My sessions with Elizabeth have helped me to positively change my relationship with food, and to forgive myself for making less than perfect choices at times. She is very knowledgeable, with a most pleasant, insightful approach, and has a way of making eating healthy seem easier than I thought it could be. The sustainable strategies I’ve learned from her are very helpful in challenging situations such as holiday festivities and eating out, and she continues to customize her counsel according to my needs based on my gender, age, lifestyle and health. An evolving, encouraging work in progress that I look forward to working with her on with each enlightening session.

    • After years of trying to lose weight on my own, I finally took my doctors advice and met with Elizabeth. I have lost over 85 lbs and counting! Through Elizabeth’s guidance, I am now much healthier, happier, and stronger! I am so grateful that I now have the tools to make smarter, healthier decisions for life! And I couldn’t be happier that I am not stuck in a loop of fad diets, counting calories, and guessing at what will work for me. Elizabeth has definitely set me on the right path!

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