Welcome To My Blog

Welcome To My Blog

December 8, 2017

Having worked as a dietitian for almost 20 years, I decided it is time for me to start a blog for my clients and readers to see how I keep a healthy lifestyle. I would like to share my passions for cooking, travel, being a mom and having a healthy lifestyle all combined while providing accurate, up to date nutrition information. I’m hoping to inspire and motivate others to keep a healthy, active lifestyle.

As a wife, mom of 3 kids and Registered Dietitian, one of my biggest priorities has always been feeding my family and myself a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle. I fit exercise, cooking, and food prep regularly into my life. I’ve been a passionate home cook ever since my husband and I moved into our own home. Through the years, my cooking and food preparation has flourished and become everyday life for me. I’ve compiled a large collection of cookbooks that I treasure and use frequently. One of my favorite pass times is sitting with a cup of hot tea and sifting through my cook books searching for the next recipes I plan to try. I now enjoy dreaming up different ideas and creating my own recipes. You can access some recipes here online in the recipe section of this website. I’m always happy to share my latest recipes with clients and friends.

Working out and being active is a regular part of my life that I make another priority every day. Whether we are travelling or here in Toronto, I make sure to fit in an exercise routine. Even when I do not have access to a gym, I find a way to be active.

Aside from a healthy lifestyle, a passion that I have (and share with my husband) is travelling the globe. We enjoy travelling frequently and exposing ourselves and our kids to different countries and people. I love observing and learning about other cultures, languages, history and food. Planning travel and travelling has definitely become a big hobby of ours. I love sharing my tips on travelling and of course combining it with eating tips in different countries too!

A huge priority for me undoubtedly is my family! I adore them and want to make sure they are all well fed and taken care of and always know how loved and important they are. Feeding 3 growing kids, and 2 active adults, running a household, keeping fit and working is no easy task! I understand the crazy juggling of life that all of you are experiencing too. I want to share my tips and how I navigate through obstacles while keeping a healthy lifestyle.

I hope you enjoy reading my blog and I inspire you even if it’s just to make small changes towards a healthier you!

For any comments or questions, you can reach me at elizabeth@elizabethzrd.com
Follow me on Instagram for more tips, motivation and recipes!

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